observations from isfryn
A record of seasonal sightings and a portrait of life under the bank

ISFRYN which translates from the Welsh as 'under the bank' refers to an area of ancient common land and neighbouring fields in mid Wales. It is a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).
This is an ongoing project that offers an opportunity to capture extended moments - observations - of both wildlife and farming within the landscape they both inhabit. The project was started in September 2016 and there are eleven films to date. There are 11 films to date.
“It makes me feel like I am part of something continuous.”
“Observations from Isfryn is a filmmaking record of a single location within a working Welsh hill farming landscape - it is a record of day-to-day events. It attempts to bind together all the landscape’s protagonists with the location that holds them.”
“A single observed event provides the kernel to build each film. This is then followed by a process of focused filming.”
Article | Nature Matters 2019: Time for Nature
Looking across Isfryn towards the SSSI common land while filming Here Hare Here